This is how you participate

  • Answer the invitation
  • Register on the contest portal – each member. Create login in this site, read forums and discuss
  • study the rules ,read task of the contest (TODO – Example Tasks for contest) Read rules (TODO – Prepare example rules)
  • Buy parts (TODO How to buy parts )
  • Prepare the robot for a competition. Prepare the robot and programs for the competitions. Program the robot (TODO – How to program a robot) Assemble a robot (TODO – How to build a robot)
  • Prepare the team banner or logo or T-shirts
  • Ask questions in the discussions.
  • Participate a contest. Attend the contest Bring the robot and a laptop to the compettiion.
  • Perform in a competition
  • Wait for evaluation Run the task in the competition.
  • Wait for judge decision about the competitions

Each contest have its own discussion forum.

Write a question in a discussion forum

Submit and share your contest solution in a forum

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