Mission of the competition:

  • to motivate primary school students to study technical fields at secondary school
    vocational schools and to motivate high school students to study technically
    focused universities,
  • present young primary and secondary school creators with their own ideas
    and solutions in front of potential employers from the technically oriented
    companies with an emphasis on their potential employ-ability in these companies,
  • to teach primary and secondary school students to discuss with experts in technical fields from companies and universities and thereby develop their critical thinking and creativity,
  • gain experience from working in a creative, competitive but friendly environment.

Competition structure

  • The NitroClubs Robotics Day is a two-day competition showing the results of the work of primary and secondary school pupils in the field of robotics and automation.
  • 1st day: participants’ workshops, combined with lectures by technical experts, panel discussions and a theoretical presentation of robots. Part of the first day is the homologation of the robots. Homologation of the robots visually verifies the compliance of the product with the Competition Rules and the inclusion of the robot in the relevant category and subcategory. Part of the first day is also the ceremonial opening of the Trenčia Robotics Day and the presentation of the individual competition teams.
  • 2nd day: the competition parade itself.

Conditions of participation:

  • Each school can nominate a maximum of three 3-member teams in the relevant subcategory. Each team can compete with one robot. The participation of the accompanying teacher is governed by external regulations.
  • There is no downward age limit. The criterion for placing a team in a subcategory according to age, if the Competition Rules define this possibility, is the pupil’s membership in elementary or secondary school.
  • A participant who is not a student of the school but must be a member of its interest group can also be a member of the cooperative.
  • Each competitive team must be registered. The registration form contains at least the name of the school (or team), the names of the team members, their age, the name of the robot, the competition category and subcategory. The registration form is filled out online before the competition on the organizer’s website. Filling in the form on the day of the competition is allowed only in justified cases.
  • The members of each registered team are assigned tags containing at least the name of the school (team), the name of the competitor and the category of the competition.
  • The competitive team must be nominated based on the results of the school round.
  • Registration and participation on the second day of the competition is not conditional on participation on the first day of the competition.
  • Registration and participation on the first day of the competition is not conditional on participation on the second day of the competition.

Rights and obligations of competitive teams:

  • Rights and obligations of competitive teams:
    • to appeal against the decision of the jury. The appeal must be submitted in writing within 24 hours of the announcement of the results. The jury will accept or reject the appeal within 3 days after the announcement of the results. This jury decision is immutable,
    • to all relevant information about the competition,
    • to the participation letter, confirming his participation in the competition.
  • The competition team is obliged to:
    • comply with all the instructions of the organizer, especially with regard to the safety and health protection of the participants,
    • familiarize yourself with the Competition Rules and comply with them,
    • to cover all damages caused by non-compliance with the Organizational Regulations or Competition Rules.

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