• Can I submit one robot to more than one category?
    Yes you can.
  • Can I compete with the same robot for several years?
    Yes you can.
  • Is it possible to agree on a testing date? Will we be able to try out the track?
    Yes, if there is sufficient interest, we plan 2-3 test days when the tracks are open to the public. But they do not have the competitive shape of the track. The exact regular date is published on the website.
    In addition, the track will be available for testing the day before the competition, so if you come already on Friday, you might still be able to fine-tune everything.
  • I probably won’t be able to finish the job, so I’d rather not come.
    If I were you, I wouldn’t immediately throw a flint in the rye. It often happens that a participant arrives who does not even start after all. The important thing is to come and try. If you have the construction ready, then something can always be programmed at the last minute.
    The track will be available for testing the day before the competition, so if you were to come for two days, maybe things could still be fine-tuned. You don’t have to win, but at least try, even if you come last, the world won’t fall. At least you will gain experience and win next year.
  • I need to know what is covered and what I have to pay for myself. Be so kind as to tell me this.
    In the past, we obtained funds for accommodation and food allowance from various sources. In the beginning, we even reimbursed the fare. After several negative experiences, we decided to withdraw from this form of support. However, participation in the competition itself is free and competitors are provided with a small snack. However, you pay for travel, food and accommodation yourself.

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