Network of IcT Robo Clubs

Creating a Network of IcT Robo Clubs will significantly help raise the interest of young people in studying IT and robotics through smooth transition from secondary schools to university. This transition assumes practical activities that will be done in the clubs established in this project.

Nitro Edutainment Platform

NITRO platform is a set of software tools for programming and remote control of educational robots.

Virtual Robo Lab

The purpose of the Virtual Robo Lab is to give the students the opportunity to get a top-level understanding and some hands-on experience in more advanced robotics topics.

IT Robo Clubs Courses

The aim of the Courses is to introduce students to the basics of Robotics, Mechanics and Kinematics, controllers, hardware, sensors and actuators, software development and robot programing.

Contact us

  • IICT-BAS, Bulgaria, Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 2

Study lectures a exercices materials. 

Assembly your robot for the competition and win.

Results of the past contest.

Our Partners

 The peer-to-peer support structure is self-sustainable. Moreover, the network will be supported and further developed by the robotics community with support of the associated project partners – Bulgarian Robotics Association, Scientific and Engineering Union, Cluster AT + R – Slovakia and Institute of Solid Mechanics within the Romanian Academy.







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